Friday, August 9, 2013

Love On A Star (A Song)

It’s so hard to say good-bye, I really want to stay;
but, before I go, listen to what I say.

Chorus:         I’ll send you love on a star

when I can’t be where you are.
                              Just look way up high there in the sky;
                              the brightest star shining down
is sending my love.

Verse 1:        Enjoying the soft rains of springtime,
                                                  and long hikes in the park.
                                                  We sing our songs by the campfire
                                                  And hurry home at dark.
Verse 2:        We count all the colors of autumn,
                                                  And rake big piles of leaves.
                                                  We climb on the hay in the wagon,
                                                  You laugh to hear me sneeze.
Verse 3:        Though I am gone for winter,
                                                  your love remains so bright.
                                                  Remember to search the skies over;
                                                  look for the brightest light.
Karen McClelland 
May 1, 2002

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